Ubuntu Linux NFS Server Installation and Configuration
how to configure a NFS server in linux
# Install the NFS server packages
sudo apt -y install nfs-kernel-server
# Create the folder that will be shared
mkdir -p /exports/macos
# Edit the exports config file to allow the clients to mount the NFS share
vim /etc/exports
#rw: Stands for Read/Write.
#sync: Requires changes to be written to the disk before they are applied.
#No_subtree_check: Eliminates subtree checking.
# Restart the NFS service
systemctl restart nfs-server
# Check that the NFS server is listening
apt install net-tools -y
netstat -anop | grep 2049
# On a client check if you see the server’s exports
showmount -e
# Enable the NFS service at boot time
systemctl enable nfs-server