The Launch Space – Scaling HTTP-based apps in Kubernetes using KEDA-HTTP
KEDA provides a reliable and well tested solution to scaling your workloads based on external events. The project supports a wide variety of scalers – sources of these events, in other words. These scalers are systems that produce precisely measurable events via an API. In this show, we’ll introduce KEDA-HTTP, which provides HTTP-
based scaling into the KEDA core, using simple, isolated components and an opinionated way to put them together.
Aaron Schlesinger
Aaron is a developer advocate at Microsoft Azure and a core maintainer of the Athens and KEDA-HTTP Projects. Before those, he was a core maintainer and chair of the Kubernetes SIG-Service-Catalog and a contributor to various other projects in the Kubernetes community. He has 15+ years of software engineering experience ranging from frontend design to distributed data systems. He discovered Go around 2013 and Kubernetes in 2015 and hasn’t looked back. Outside of software, he enjoys running, hiking and making pizza.
Aaron Wislang
Aaron is a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft on the Open Source Engineering team with a focus on Open Source, Go, Python, Containers & Kubernetes. He has over a decade and a half of experience in software development, distributed systems, and security. Aaron currently lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife and their two boys, and occasionally manages to combine three of his favorite things by taking photographs outdoors while drinking coffee.
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by Microsoft Developer
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