Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Performance Testing – JMeter – Session1-Tech Bytes(Few computer basics for NonIT/Non Computers guys)

Note: Few Computer basics covered for non computer background guys. Very useful for beginners even from Computers background. Like/Share/Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates. Enrollments to close by 18th July into this batch.
Concepts covered in this session:
1. Simple Aptitude questions/puzzles
2. Tech bytes
IP address
Port Numbers
FQDN – Fully Qualified Domain Name
hosts file in windows
MAC address
Additional Clocks in Windows
Remote Desktop Connection
Environment Variables
Windows shortcuts
Excel shortcuts (Pls go thru Excel Training & Word Training)
Command prompt and Elevated command prompt (Command prompt with Admin privileges)
Static IP, Dynamic IP
Public IP, Private IP
Winscp, putty

Completed below basic concepts in last 2 weeks:
SDLC, TLC, PTLC, What is Performance Testing, Requirement Gathering, Performance Test Plan and its components, HTTP Request Response cycle, Request structure, Response structure, HTML, CSS, Java Script overview. Sessions recordings available if some one want to join before this weekend.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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