Check Windows 10 for SeriousSAM and HiveNightmare vulnerability
There is a new and very nasty zero-day vulnerability that is found in Windows client operating systems referred to as SeriousSAM and HiveNightmare. This is a zero-day bug that allows an underprivileged user and by extension an attacker to steal credentials, install software, and even create users with high-level permissions. It allows an attacker to see information stored in:
The only remediation at this point is resetting permissions on the folders listed, removing the permissive Users from being able to read and execute on these folders. Also, Microsoft is recommending to delete VSS shadow copies which includes System Restore Points from an affected machine.
Note the following resource:
Official Microsoft Elevation of Privilege CVE:
A proof of concept code that is already available:
Check out my blog post covering the vulnerability and how to check Windows 10 for SeriousSAM and HiveNitmare:
Check Windows 10 for SeriousSAM and HiveNightmare Vulnerability Fix
how to repair windows 10