Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Common Cisco Modules | WAN Interface Card | Voice Interface Card | Network Module | CCNA 200-301

#ccna200301 #ccna_certification #ccna200301 #ccnanetworkengineer #cisco #ciscocertified #cisconetworks #lab #training #onlineclasses #onlineearning #hub #network #networking #networkingskills #computer #computereducation #computernetworking #computernetwork #computernetworks #Waninterfacecard #Voiceinterfacecard #chassis #module

In this chapter ,
We will Explore the common Cisco modules installed in Cisco Routers and switches for the added connectivity.
We will Explore the common Interface cards that can be installed in Cisco Devices.
We will Explore about Blades , Supervisor Engine , interface modules in Cisco Chassis switches.


cisco academie