How to Configure MUTT Email Client With Gmail
Command Line Email Client
#sudo apt-get install mutt
Create .muttrc file
#vim ~/.muttrc
set from = “”
set realname = “Saju”
set imap_user = “”
set imap_pass = “xxxxxx”
set folder = “imaps://”
set spoolfile = “+INBOX”
set postponed =”+[Google Mail]/Drafts”
set trash = “+[Google Mail]/Trash”
##SMTP Settings to sent email
set smtp_url = “smtp://”
set smtp_pass = “xxxxxx”
set header_cache =~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir =~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file =~/.mutt/certificates
set move = no #Stop asking to “move read messages to mbox”!
set imap_keepalive = 900
##Sort by newest conversation first.
set sort = reverse-threads
set sort_aux = last-date-received
##Set editor to create new email
set editor=’vim’
linux smtp client
very useful tutorial, tnx
Great video Thanks
Fucking saved my life. Salute, sir.
thank you
Nice traffic you have on street lol. Thanks for tutorial and config, mail GUI from now deleted 😉 fast and simple. Cheer's!
Login failed….did all you said, plus all other solutions available, still can’t login successfully
What a great tutorial. Helped me get it working. Thanks
Thanks for the muttrc notes.
Not sure if it is needed, but I added the following to the ~/.muttrc file.
set ssl_starttls = yes
set ssl_force_tls = yes
Then I had to get an app-specific password for mutt. You can generate an app specific password here.
I commented out the 'set record'. I was receiving duplicate emails. Gmail still records it in the Sent Mail.
chmod 0600 ~/.muttrc
Still doesn't work :-(((((
thumbs-up. very helpful.
Worked wonderfully! Thank you!
how do you save this vim file. it won't let me save with :wq
My .mutt folder is not getting created. What could be the possible source of error?
P.S.: I have followed exactly the same steps as you have mentioned in the .muttrc file.
Thanks..worked perfectly 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you for this Saju. if you took Bitcoin, I would send you a tip!
Such a useful video. Thank you. Worked like a charm.
Can't believe after a year and a half no one has commented. Very useful video, sir. Thank you.