NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

Active Directory Bulk User Creation w/PowerShell Script

This Project that I set up consists of creating Virtual Machines with Oracle Virtual Box and building a Home Lab running Active Directory Domain Services on Windows Server. The goal of this lab is to simulate a work environment by assigning IP addresses to Internal NICs, Installing RAS and NAT on a domain controller to allow clients to access internal network and outward facing internet, Setting up a DHCP sever with a set scope on a domain controller to maintain DNS and DHCP services, and Using PowerShell scripts to create and manage a bulk of users in Active Directory.


by averycyberprojects

windows server dns

One thought on “Active Directory Bulk User Creation w/PowerShell Script

  • I am so hungry to get a new job and will provide any future employer with a hardworking and reliable work ethic. To any employer that stumbled upon this video thank you for your time. 🙏

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