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Slow Loris Attack – Computerphile

Denial of service usually relies on a flood of data. Slow Loris takes a more elegant approach, and almost bores a server to death. Dr Mike Pound explains.

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Zero Size Files:
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Babbage’s Analytical Engine: COMING SOON

This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham:

Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran’s Numberphile. More at


by Computerphile

linux web server

20 thoughts on “Slow Loris Attack – Computerphile

  • I love Mike Pound's videos, especially this one. Cheers. 🙂

  • a simple defense analyze the timing of the data.

    if it is too slow for the capabilities of even the slowest connection say a 56k line then it comes back with "either upgrade to a faster connection or we will kick your connection and ban you for 10 minutes" or something like that or put a limit to the number of connections say 6

  • To come up to date a bit, this is one of the reasons why you find nginx on pretty much every front end of a load balancer these days 😆

  • Randomly ended up here and really enjoyed the demo.

  • Is this Apache vulnerability still valid today? It is far more dangerous than normal DDoS.

  • I love how excited he is about this DoS and explaining it. The explanation really helped with my studies for CEH! THanks!

  • I wonder… how many russian propganda media outlets are vulnerable to this attack?
    Asking out of pure curiosity, of course… Timing of the question is purely coincidental…

  • ppl still use thread per client in 2022?

  • This reminds me of endleSSH, which is used to do prevent SSH cracking and wasting hacker’s time

  • I don't know how oversimplified is this video, but if someone is actually trying to be secure Idk how he could not think about this possibility

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