Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

Deploy Node app on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux 2

Deploy Node app on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux 2 by installing node js and setting the app up as a systemd service

Code Examples:

0:00​ Intro
0:14 Setting up an EC2 Instance
2:31 Installing Node
3:21 git clone code onto the instance
4:28 Running the node app
6:13 Environment Variables
9:38 Systemd service
14:13 Summary

🔗Other tutorials:
MySQL on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux 2:
Nginx Reverse Proxy on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux 2:
Setting Up And Deploying AWS EC2 Instances:

🔗Moar Links
My Website:


by Sam Meech-Ward

linux web server

20 thoughts on “Deploy Node app on AWS EC2 Amazon Linux 2

  • This makes sense now. Was always trying to create EC2 but stuck at terminal termination, app used to stop always. Thanks man!

  • Hey, sam. Thanks for this amazing video, and also the article!

  • nice video! it worked perfectly! I have 2 questions though…

    1. Why didnt you use CodeDeploy?
    2. How would you integrate this method in a pipeline?

  • Just wanted to say, I have had to gone through this process over a dozen times and I always come back to this video and the nginx set up. Your awesome. Thank you!

  • I followed the steps to host a website but when i am hosting i'm unable to render the images. Please help me out guys

  • Hi.. How can we get sample project replace with our build code

  • do I always have to have my terminal open after starting nodej server? like node server.js

  • thanks bro, had trouble when i couldn't use dotenv

  • super greate video! thanks a lot. keep doing great work

  • hey sam,
    Can you make a video tutorial on AWS x-ray integration with node app in ECS and trace all requests via Xray console.

  • Hello, Thanks for the video. I tried creating some routes using express but I can’t get a way around on ec2 . It fails with a Error called Cannot Get /routeName. Is there any workaround to get this done?

  • awesome tutorial =D

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