Linux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSsmtp server liux

EXIM mailer smtp server setup with IP rotation 100% inbox.Bulk email marketing system setup

Hi friends, how are you…welcome back to my another new video….today i discovered another smtp server that I configured and and your will be astonished that it’s mail hitting in inbox…what I did?
I just installed vista c panel, then added 5 IP with my VPS and wrote some script for IP rotation… That’s it…. I also added spf,dkim,dmarc ptr records too…for incoming mail box checking i configured round cube and as a email sender software i used mailwizz…so let’s do the test of our setup…for smtp server here is my smtp server details, and check I added 5 ip…it will rotate automatically and it will improve my mail to hit in inbox…I can say it is my best smtp server that i configured… Check almost 80% mail landed in inbox…but my all 5 IP is new. If i can do IP warm properly then I think almost 99% mail will hit in inbox…let me know if you need to setup such email system to boost your sales. check the description box for contact email…Thank you…
if you have any question
just write me


by Inbox Road Map

linux smtp server

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