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How to change IP address on windows 10 | Change IP address

How to change IP address on windows 10 | Change IP address: In the how to change ip address video I have explained how to change your ip address or static ip on windows 10 and after changing the IP address how you can set the IP on pc or laptop without hampering the internet.
#ipaddress #changeipaddress #staticip
00:00 how to get my IP
00:21 how to set ip address process
02:22 Set IP address
02:38 Conclusion
How to change IP address on windows 10 PROCESS:
hello friends, changing the ip address is very easy but sometimes setting the wrong ip address may hamper the internet connection. we need to determine the ip address which I am using. To do that we need to go to the start button then right-click in it then go to the run tab and there. We need to type cmd a new window will pop up and in the new window we need to write ipconfig and hit the enter button and there you will find the ip address which you are using. The first three part of the ip address is the network address and the last part is the host address we need to change this host part address to do that you need to go to the search button directly and there you can type control panel and there it is just click on the control panel a new window will pop up and then network and internet click on it then network and sharing and after that just click on the change adapter setting again a new window will pop up and there you will find the internet connections which you are using I am currently using the wi-fi router setting so just right click in it and then go to the properties and there you will find so many options in the fourth option that is tcp ip version 4 just double click in it and again new window will pop up now we need to type the ip address manually over here just click on the second tab and there it is now just type the ip address which you want to change to change the ip address we are typing here 192.168 then 0 and leave it blank then write the subnet mask it will just click on it and it will automatically will be there and finally the default gateway default gateway will be 198.168.0 and then finally 1 and the preferred dns server will be the default gateway address just put it and finally we need to put the host address here before doing that we need to check which ip address is free if you are using any single network then put any number here except the default gateway number and if you are using the public network then you need to determine which ip address is free to determine that you you may ping over here or you may directly go to the router setting in my case i am going the ip and mac binding and arp list and there it is you can see 100 100 100 203 and 105 so 104 is unallocated so i am using that ip address so i am putting 104 over here and then ok and there it is the internet connection will be there it will be not lost and if you use any allocated ip address the internet connection will be terminated now to verify it we need to again type the ipconfig command here and there you can see it is converted into 104 and before it was 105 now the ip address is 104.
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To enable DHCP or change other TCP/IP settings
Select Start, then select Settings – Network & Internet.
Do one of the following: For a Wi-Fi network, select Wi-Fi -Manage known networks. …
Under IP assignment, select Edit.
Under Edit IP Settings, select Automatic (DHCP) or Manual.
When you’re done, select Save.
Topic: IP address
Topic discussed:
how to change ip address on windows 10
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how to change ip address
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#ipaddress #changeipaddress #staticip #ipv4 #setipaddress #changewifiip


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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