How To Deploy | Host Angular Project On Server – 2023 | Angular Hosting
If You Want To Upload Your Angular Project (Or) Web Site On Your Own Domain Then This Video Is Very Useful For You. Please Don’t Skip Any Step For Best Result. If You Like This Video Then Like, Share And Subscribe Our Channel.
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#angularapp #angulardeploy #deployangular #angular2021
by Code Diggers
linux http server
useless tutorial, totally skipped where to put the files to serve the webapp
When I run command
ng build —prod —base-href “<~>”
I get
Error: Unknown argument: prod
Any idea why I’m this is?
Once we copy the files to that server .. how do We run the app on the server
how to host angular in ubuntu like should we need to install ubuntu ?
Domain means ?
Can we use plesk login ?
how do i deploy my backend code and how will my frontend recognize where to call apis from?
Can we deploy angular app with json server
Will json server api's work after deployment
Error : exceeded maximum budget. Budget 4.00 kB was not met by 19 bytes with a total of 4.02 kB.
You are a god
if i am doing changes in my angular its not reflecting in that
Which server is it using?
how can we log in to the file manager of cPanel?
what's that background music at start? helpful video btw
oh, happiness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks man
Thanks a lot, that was very useful to me 🙂
how i'm put the dist folder, if i'm put it in public_html sir?
My Angular ver-10 Ecommerce Project – Its working fine locally using "ng serve" but I published using "ng-build" and hosted using "http-server" page its going to Home Screen (eg: Dashboard But if I click any link (button – eg: Cart page, Order page, Register page, etc.) from Dashboard page, its not going and its gets error eg: "This page can’t be found No webpage was found for the web address: HTTP ERROR 404…."
here is my routing code "app.module.ts"
does it work with angular routing?
It's that easy…
I've always questioned how we put our code on the web for others to see…
But its that easy!?!
Thanks mate!
deploy angular 9 to google app engine ? great video thnks