How to Fix Blue Screen of Death on Windows 8
We’ll do some simple troubleshooting to fix the blue screen of death on Windows 8 or Windows 7.
Retrieve lost data if computer fails to start because of blue or black screen of death:
Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 discs work interchangeably
You can grab a Windows 8 iso file from torrents
I have a few videos for creating a Bootable USB Flash Drive of Windows 8:
Create Windows 8 Bootable USB on Windows:
Create Windows 8 Bootable USB on Ubuntu:
You want to boot into your Bootable USB Flash Drive with Windows on it.
Use F12 (normally) to get into Boot Options and Boot into Windows Bootable USB Storage Device
The key could also be F2
We follow a few steps to try to fix the Blue Screen of Death
1) We try Startup Repair (if this works, you’re done)
2) If Startup Repair does not work, then you should try System Restore
(System Restore does not affect files or documents) (However, it may uninstall programs up to that point)
Trial and error, you try a restore point, and you should be back in business.
how to repair windows 10