How to Install WordPress 5 on CentOS 7 | MariaDB 10x | PHP 7 | VPS
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How to Install WordPress 5 on CentOS 7 with MariaDB 10x – PHP 7 – VPS
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WordPress is an open source and free blogging application and a dynamic CMS (Content Management System) developed using MySQL and PHP.
It has huge number of third party plugins and themes. WordPress currently one of the most popular blogging platform available on the internet and used by millions of people across the globe.
In this tutorial we are going to explain how to install the popular content management system – WordPress using LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) on RHEL, CentOS and Fedora Linux distributions.
We recommend servers running version 7.3 or greater of PHP and MySQL version 5.6 OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.
We also recommend either Apache or Nginx as the most robust options for running WordPress, but neither is required.
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Step by step Install WordPress on CentOS 7
* Step 1 – Install Apache
* Step 2 – Install PHP 7
* Step 3 – Install MariaDB 10
* Step 4 – Create a database for WordPress
Database name : wordpressdb
Username : wordpressuser
Password : wordpresspwd
* Step 5 – Download and Install WordPress
centos 7