Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Networking Fundamentals – 02 – IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway

The Networking Fundamentals video series is designed for technicians in the Professional Audio industry. This video focuses on the three primary settings of any network device: IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway.

The video should be pretty straight-ahead for the first ten minutes. Around 10:56, we take a look at the Subnet Mask at a binary level. If this section gets challenging for you, don’t get discouraged and don’t skip it. Just glean what you can.

The goal is to teach a practice that Subnet Masks should in include 255 and 0. There are seven other numbers that might come up in a Subnet Mask, but they will only appear once. These include: 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192 or 128. Audio techs do not need to memorize the seven flags – they will rarely come up and you can look it up when that happens. However, having this bit of information will make sure you are prepared when the need arises.

It will also be helpful if you can understand what means. An IT professional will appreciate it if you write back verifying the subnet mask is, rather than requesting an explanation of the whole concept.

Of course, there will be some who understand all of this. My hunch is these are the same people who also have a solid understanding of MIDI and DMX. For these folks, the quick look at the advanced level may actually make things clearer.

PLAYLIST – Networking Fundamentals:

CHANNEL – Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems, North America:

WEBSITE – Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems, North America:


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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