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Using ESP32 FTP Client for Large File Uploads from SD

Do you need to upload large files to FTP from your ESP32 (images, videos or any other files from the SD Card?). Here we show how this can be easily achieved, with virtually any file format! More information and links below…

Continuing on from our previous video about FTP Uploads, a number of people asked how to transfer larger files, or files which are not text files, so here is the walkthrough to show how this can be done.

There are minimal changes to include the SD Library, and with our added function to send the File chunk by chunk to the FTP server, you can send a file of virtually any size….

Try changing the buffer size, and different file sizes on the SD card to see how it affects performance….

Our Website:

Getting Started with FTP and ESP32:

Sketch Example in this Video:

ESP32_FTPClient Library on GitHub:

FileZilla FTP Server Download for Windows:

#Arduino #VisualStudio #esp32


by Visual Micro

linux ftp server

14 thoughts on “Using ESP32 FTP Client for Large File Uploads from SD

  • Hi checked this and the other ftp client tutorial. I am trying to auto backup a folder containing images on sd card to ftp can you suggest a code to make it work ?

  • Hi, Can you make a tutorial on how to optimize the speed?

  • Good evening, I ran into a problem that I can't see the sd card, could you send me the connection diagram

  • Thanks for the video. I use an external sd card slot with ESP32(via SPI communication). The sdmmc library doesn't work to mount the sd card so change it to sd library instead. Hoever, the file in the sd card was not able to transfered to the server. Any help?

  • hi ,for the cs pin on the sd module if using nodemcu esp32 devki which pin is connected to?

  • Thanks for the video. But don't forget to initialise your variable buf (unsigned char buf[1024] = {}; )
    otherwise the end of file will not be correct

  • Hi, Thanks for the video. This project is based around Wifi. Can it be used with a GSM carrier as well? I'm using ESP32 out in the fields with a SIM7600 GSM module no Wifi out there!

  • Can i use this code on an ESP32 Cam?

  • you've done great. i just wonder why the speed is not optimized. isnt the wifi speed of esp32 is max 150mbps? can we achieve even 50% of that?

  • I need the opposite of this project. I need send video packet (1MB mp4) from pc to esp using ftp. How can i do this?

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