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What is Shared Hosting? | Web Hosting Company Bangalore | Servercafe IT Hub

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where a single physical server hosts multiple sites. Many users utilize the resources on a single server, which keeps the costs low. Users each get a section of a server in which they can host their website files. Shared servers can hosts hundreds of users. Each customer using the shared hosting platform’s server has access to features like databases, monthly traffic, disk space, email accounts, FTP accounts, and other add-ons offered by the host. System resources are shared on-demand by customers on the server, and each gets a percentage of everything from RAM and CPU, and other elements such as the single MySQL server, Apache server, and mail server.

————————Shared hosting is like using public transportation ——————–
What is shared hosting? To understand this down let’s take an example. See if you want to travel from destination A To destination B you can either drive your own vehicle to reach the destination. Public transport such as buses. Taking a bus instead of a private vehicle can be more economical. it will serve your purpose of reaching the destination by sharing the bus with some of the passengers. In the same way. Which shared hosting your website site shares its server resources such as. CPU. RAM. Storage space. with other sites on the same server. These resources are allocated by the hosting provider depending on your selected plan. SO If you are a startup or personal block then shared Hosting is a good option.

—————–How does shared hosting work?——————————

As we’ve stated, shared hosting is where a single server hosts multiple sites. The numbers can range from a few hundred to several thousand depending on the available hard drive space, RAM, and processing speed. This hosting is on a machine that’s identical to a dedicated server, but its resources are used by a much greater number of clients. Each website user account’s files and any applications are stored in separate partitions on the server, and each has its own file directory tree. Users don’t have access to either the root or to each other’s files. All accounts on the shared server share the computing resources of the webserver.

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by Servercafe IT Hub

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