Windows 7: Check Disk (chkdsk)

This is a video about how to run a chkdsk (check disk) on your windows OS. CheckDisk will repair and try to recover a dirty file system. Most of the time that I use this is when I see a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) with a 0x0000007B stop code. This means that the file system is corrupt and you should run a CHKDSK /R on your operating system. Also, I’ve various people tell me that they need to do this as their file systems become too fragmented. I demonstrate the methods available on Microsoft Windows 2000 XP Vista & Server 2003 and 2008. This is a very important part of disk maintenance. If windos is too corrupt to boot these may also be run from Startup Repair/Recovery Console. The commands I run are…

chkdsk /f e:
chkdsk /r e:
chkdsk /r c:
chkdsk /r d:

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