► How To: Disable mouse acceleration, windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 by ShavedApe
Information on what mouse acceleration is and how to remove it. Important if you play games like shooters.
⇨ Mark C’s Fix files :
This is actually a remake of an earlier video a little more condensed and a lot better quality hope it helps.
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ºº My PC Specs ºº
ºCPU: Intel 4790k @ 4.8 GHZ
ºGPU: 1 x Geforce GTX 780Ti OC (Gigabyte)
ºRAM: 16 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600
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ºMOUSE: Razer Deathadder 2013
ºKEYBOARD: Corsair K60
ºHEADSET: Corsair Vengeance 2100
ºMONITOR: BenQ XL2420T 24″ 120 hz
MONITOR: Viewsonic 24″ 60hz
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how to repair windows 7