⚕️ How to Repair Bad Sectors on Hard Drive with HDD Regenerator in 2021
👍 Watch how to repair hard disk bad sectors with HDD Regenerator. HDD Regenerator is an easy-to-use program that repairs hard disk bad sectors with a special reversal magnetization algorithm, and the developer claims that it allows recovering almost 60% of damaged hard disks.
Download and install the program (you will find the link in the description – https://hdd-regenerator.en.softonic.com/)
00:00 – Intro;
0:18 – What is HDD Regenerator
0:46 – Key features of HDD Regenerator
1:16 – Start HDD regenerator
1:49 – Scanning process
Restoring Bad Sectors and Fixing HDD Errors: https://hetmanrecovery.com/recovery_news/how-to-restore-broken-sectors-and-fix-hdd-errors.htm
HDD Regenerator scans disks at the physical level exclusively, so this application can work with any file system (FAT, NTFS and others), as well as with unformatted disks.
Key features of the program:
– Fast hard disk scan for bad sectors and errors.
– Detection of physically damaged areas of the disk.
– Repairing disks without losing data.
– Scanning the disk at the physical level.
– Starting the program from the operating system.
– Support of any operating system.
– An opportunity to create boot CD/DVD as well as USB Flash drives.
– Real-time monitoring of hard disk status.
Now start the program.
Double-click on the disk to be analyzed (and probably repaired).
Select the scan type in the window that opens.
Press button 2 and then ENTER for full scan with repairing or without it.
In the next step, we can:
– Scan and repair
– Scan without repair
– Regenerate all sectors including good
Press button 1 and then ENTER to select “Scan and repair”
At the last step, choose the scanning range:
– From the start (the zero sector)
– Resume the last scanning session
– Set the scanning range manually
Press button 1 and then ENTER to scan from the start.
The scanning process begins.
In this window, you can see how many percent is competed and how many megabytes of data and sectors have been scanned. In the left lower corner, you can see the number of bad sectors found and how many of them were recovered.
In the course of scanning when the program finds a damaged sector it suggests you to repair it in order to demonstrate its functions. When hitting a damaged sector again, the program will inform you that the disk contains repairable damages and you need to buy a paid version of the software to fix them.
To buy or not to buy is up to you, but we feel it is our duty to show you this tool for hard disks as well. By the way, don’t miss one of our previous videos on the same topic, about Victoria for Windows. You will find the link in the description. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-1r96btQkM).
The scanning is over and you can see its results. In my case, no problems were found.
Press Esc to exit the program.
Thanks for watching. I hope this video will be useful for you. Give this video a thumbs up, share this video with friends and subscribe to our channel so we can make more video guides soon.
Other videos: #HDDRegenerator, #HardDisk, #HDD, #SSD, #NTFS, #FAT.
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