🆕 🛡️ 🪓Valheim Dedicated Server on Ubuntu Linux – Easy Server Install

My first tut… Sorry
Thanks to: YT GeekHead and GitHub: nicolas-martin

Successfully test on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and DigitalOcean!!!!

Easiest deployment script for setting up a Valheim dedicated DigitalOcean server for Ubuntu Linux!

Script location: https://github.com/Nimdy/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script

I feel cheesy even posting this but you get 100USD dedicated server credit over the next 60 days just for using DigitalOcean Referral Code… so… thats like two free months to see if you even like running a dedicated server.


If you need help:
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ejgQUfc

If you want to discover more about Valheim dedicated Linux servers visit me at Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zerobandwidth or visit my website www.zerobandwidth.com

Please subscribe to the channel if this helped you or not!

The video is all about setting up a Valheim dedicated server on DigitalOcean with Ubuntu Linux; valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:

⭐️-DigitalOcean droplet selection
⭐️-Valheim dedicated server setup
⭐️-Valheim server status
⭐️-Valheim how to connect to dedicated server

Valheim dedicated server on Linux is clearly something that intrigues you and other people so I made this video about this topic.
Follow our video clips about Valheim dedicated server on Linux as well as other similar subjects on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrZeroBandwidth/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrzerobandwidth/

Hope I got you all started on setting up your first Valheim dedicated server for Ubuntu! If you need help just ask!

Share away: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOLrqLxS7oVqVNjs9PGtKVA



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