👉 Best Cloud Server Hosting in 2021 ✅
Best Cloud Server Hosting Review – In this video, learn about the top 3 cloud server hosts as well as the special reasons that you should buy a cloud hosting plan!
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👉Best Cloud Server Hosting Review – In this video, learn about the top 3 cloud server hosts as well as the special reasons that you should buy a cloud hosting plan!
Best Cloud Server Hosting in 2021 Transcript:
Hello everyone, Carson here. And in today’s video, I just wanted to give you a quick rundown of some cloud server hosts, which you can purchase if you are looking to get into Cloud Hosting. Now cloud hosting, of course, is a really nice hosting type. This is essentially where your website is put on a mesh network of website hosts. So your website will have access to these multiple hosting platforms to these multiple servers.
And then each of these servers will dispense your synced website out to customers and clients. So you’ll get an increased uptime, and a decreased latency when you go with cloud hosting, as opposed to regular single server hosting. Now the top three list for cloud server hosting Well, it’s pretty straightforward, it’s pretty simple. I’m just going to give you a brief rundown of each of these before throwing in some interesting features about cloud hosting, and about all of these different hosts the first host being Bluehost.
I’ve already mentioned this in another video, but blues, in my opinion is the best cloud hosting of 2021. They’ve got all the features, you need to make a cloud host good like a free domain name, a free SSL, a 30 day money back guarantee, and a lot more as well as a good uptime, low latency. And all that jazz. They also come of course with great customer support, a great amount of resources and a very low price. So blows takes the number one spot in this comparison.
Next up, though, is hosting, which comes in at number two hosting you’re Of course having pretty much the same features and resources as Bluehost only different really in the price in a slight slight decrease in quality. If you’re really getting technical about it, it still is easily number two on my cloud hosting list of 2021 bidding out pretty much all the competitors by a mile Bluehost and hosting are really, really good platforms, they’ve both got all the resources you need.
And they both have very, very high quality services, they do not skimp on their features, or on the resources they provide for you that is undoubted these two platforms are easily two of the best platforms on the market just overall. And for Cloud Hosting they shine through as well. Next up on this list, though, we have another very, very high quality host called siteground. Now siteground is really known despite not having an uptime guarantee, they’re known for having an incredible uptime, like getting into the percents of the percents. siteground is definitely a good website host.
Their only downside is that they do err on the slightly more expensive side of things. siteground although it is definitely above the rest of the hosts, which I have ranked on my complete list of cloud hosts, they do come in below Bluehost and hosting or just because their prices are slightly more I guess you could say elite than Bluehost and hosting or having run you through that list though?
How do you know if you need a cloud hosting plan? Because a lot of people will buy file hosting without actually knowing if they need it versus just shared hosting which is cheaper. And to that I answer, you know, what is the uptime you need? And what is the latency as well as how often are you updating your website. Let’s go through those one by one. Now first of all, you need to understand what uptime you need for your website. If your website needs a super, super good uptime within the percents of the percent go with cloud hosting.
If however, you’re okay with a slightly lower uptime, because it’s only being hosted on one server, I would go with shared hosting a lot of small town businesses and smaller projects should just go with shared hosting, in my opinion, because of this.
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