🗜️ Data Cloud Consumption-Based Approach 🌿
🗜️ Data Cloud Consumption-Based Approach 🌿
✨ The full podcast will be published soon here – https://linktr.ee/tags_podcast
📌 In the meantime, you can check more about Ines Garcia, her suggested links, research & publications:
◦ Free course agile + salesforce: https://tiny.cc/getagile
◦ Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ines-Garcia/author/B08G7ZH172?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
◦ Sustainability: https://www.inesgarcia.me/agile-sustainability-registration
◦ Green Software free course: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/green-software-for-practitioners-lfc131/
◦ Data Cloud: This one has 30 days discount coupon: https://www.udemy.com/course/salesforce-certified-data-cloud-consultant/?couponCode=3CA81323A7BA8C97AEA3
◦ AI: don’t be fooled by the “hype” that I got: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-dont-fooled-hype-i-got-ines-garcia-1kgme/
#salesforce #tagspodcastsf #shorts
by Abhinav Gupta
linux foundation
It is called KISS… "Keep It Simple Stupid", Science call it "Beauty" as the most beautiful equation "E=MC^2".
Post-effectiveness efficiency