Computer NetworksNETWORKS

04🔥 || Raspberry PI Connection to PC/Laptop🖥️ || Create IP Address🖱️

Step by step process of raspberry PI connection to PC/Laptop.
Putty & VNC Viewer working and commands for creating IP Address for PI.

Follow all the given steps and apply it to your computer to get IP address.

1) To get IP Address for Raspberry. :- ping -4 raspberrypi.local
2) To get IP for VNC Viewer – vncserver

Login details:-
Username: pi
Password: raspberry (for all new users)

🔥🔥Note:- All given steps are for one time use only. Once you get IP address it’s not necessary to follow all steps again and again. Just “paste” the IP address into the “Saved Session” of Putty, save that IP & load it whenever you want to use.


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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