09-Basic Configuration on cisco switch and router_full video
In this course, you will learn the basics of designing a network with the help of a simulator called Cisco Packet Tracer. Design, implement and secure a network entirely on your own!
This course will introduce the students to the basic handling and functioning of Cisco networking components and their simulated behavior in a real network.
Who this course is for:
Cisco Packet Tracer Beginners
Cisco CCNA Certification Students
Junior Network Engineers
Computer Networks Students in College
Course content
Introduction to the software
1-Introduction to Cisco Packet Tracer
2-How to download Cisco Packet Tracer
3-Getting to know the software
Basic Configurations
1-IP Addressing in PC
2-Introduction to the router
3-Hostnames and Interfaces
4-IP Addressing in router
1-IP addressing in router & Static Routing
2-RIP Routing
Securing the network
1-Router Password Security
2-Access Control lists
cisco academie