09 The OpenStack Cloud Computing Framework and Eco System Bohnert Edmonds
The OpenStack Cloud Computing
Framework and Eco-System
Thomas M. Bohnert and Andrew Edmonds,
Zurich University of Applied Sciences / ICCLab
OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists
producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for
public and private clouds. The project aims to deliver solutions for all types of
clouds by being simple to implement, massively scalable, and feature rich. The
technology consists of a series of interrelated projects delivering various components
for a cloud infrastructure solution. The InIT Cloud Computing Lab (ICCLab) of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences is researching the full cloud
computing stack. Much of this work happens in the context of the OpenStack
framework and the ICCLab is official coordinator of the „OpenStack Community
In this talk the speakers will present evolution, objectives, scope, and status
of the the OpenStack project. Attendees will be briefed from an technological
and eco-system perspective, thus learning what defines Cloud Computing, how
OpenStack implements Cloud Computing, and how to engage with the Open-
Stack community. The talk will close with a short overview of research activities
and services provided by the ICClab.
Thomas Michael Bohnert is Associate Professor (Docent) at Zurich University of Applied
Sciences. His interests are focused on enabling ICT infrastructures, coarsely ranging
across mobile / cloud computing, service-oriented infrastructure, and carriergrade
service delivery (Telco + IT).
Prior to being appointed by ZHAW he was with SAP Research, SIEMENS Corporate
Technology, and ran an IT consultancy named BNCS. He was a visiting scholar at Tampere
University of Technology, NEC Network Research Labs, VTT Technical Research
Centre, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Open Cloud Day 2012, Bern
by CH Open