1.14 File System | Windows Server | Infi Learn
CO1 Lecture 14
In this lecture, we will be discussing different File Systems and File Systems in Windows Server 2012 r2.
How an Operating System’s File System Works
File systems are an integral part of any operating systems with the capacity for long term storage. There are two distinct parts of a file system, the mechanism for storing files and the directory structure into which they are organised. In modern operating systems where it is possible for several user to access the same files simultaneously it has also become necessary for such features as access control and different forms of file protection to be implemented.
A file is a collection of binary data. A file could represent a program, a document or in some cases part of the file system itself. In modern computing it is quite common for their to be several different storage devices attached to the same computer. A common data structure such as a file system allows the computer to access many different storage devices in the same way, for example, when you look at the contents of a hard drive or a cd you view it through the same interface even though they are completely different mediums with data mapped on them in completely different ways. Files can have very different data structures within them but can all be accessed by the same methods built into the file system. The arrangement of data within the file is then decided by the program creating it. The file systems also stores a number of attributes for the files within it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/980216
Different modes of Server – https://youtu.be/AhgNaYgK8gQ
About Windows Server – https://youtu.be/zzI639FY76c
About Network Address Translation – https://youtu.be/LkhWv6pAec8
VMWare workstation 15 download – https://getintopc.com/softwares/virtualization/vmware-workstation-pro-15-free-download/
Windows Server ISO image download – https://isoriver.com/windows-server-2012/
For the basics of the client and server model, refer to https://youtu.be/PpTxaDXK4Ns
Today if you become proficient with Windows Server 2012, you stand to reap many benefits.
1) It can help you manage and deliver a gainful IT Infrastructure.
2) It will provide an up to date open application platform not only for the present software applications but also for future hybrid cloud solutions.
3) You can provide users with access from anywhere on the globe and from any device.
And many more.
Be with us for the next lectures.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7449132
Lecture No. 1(What is Server): https://youtu.be/PpTxaDXK4Ns
New Era of Education (Teaser): https://youtu.be/rYOKt462dN4
New Era of Education (Full Video): https://youtu.be/bDuy3_MRk28
18 Months course strategy | Placement Course | New Era of Education: https://youtu.be/IenpVGL60Lw
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