#1 in product design: Polishing the heck out of it!

#OpenSource #t2sde #Linux distribution #opensource development #Ad: laptops & more @Amazon: https://services.exactcode.de/amzn.cgi?index=electronics&keywords=laptop You can support my work at: https://patreon.com/renerebe https://github.com/sponsors/rxrbln/ http://onlyfans.com/renerebe
https://exactcode.com https://t2sde.org https://rene.rebe.de

Terminal font: Comic Code 😉


by Code Therapy w/ René Rebe

linux foundation

3 thoughts on “#1 in product design: Polishing the heck out of it!

  • You got it ? For Real ?
    My unrealistic dream machine from pictures from computer magazine in EE country…. together with SGI graphic workstation with kinder tricycle on screen 😀

  • Hey, I remember some time ago you mentioned something about hardware donations and stuff. I was wondering if I donated a Tegra K1 device running Linux to you would you be interested in working on supporting it (like you did with the PS3 GPU)?

    Currently, over a course of several years has the Mesa Nouveau driver for the GPU went from working but with heavy flickering and render bugs to now not even doing anything but failing to load even the simplest of things. Not even a simple accelerated X11 desktop works anymore. Somehow even the Nouveau DRM driver broke for this GPU somehow in upstream recently. This GPU could be well supported but there’s a lack of interest and so Mesa issues go ignored at some point. Strange how they chose to keep said GPU listed as supported even though the driver is currently dead and has been for awhile. The last I saw it working albeit with extreme flickering and render bugs was on a downgraded Xorg/modern enough Wayland + hacked ancient Mesa release + 5.18 kernel. Interestingly, it was because of one or two NVIDIA engineers that even got this GPU on Nouveau in the first place.

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