1. What is GIT ? – Git Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn about what is GIT and the history of GIT and Linux.

1) Linux Kernel and Git Codebase: https://git.kernel.org
2) GitHub of Linux Kernel (Archive): https://github.com/torvalds/linux

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel;

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf-kTzgXA1gx4N5271oljF1S_J8knU_Jc

My Introduction:
I am Vivek Anand Sharma aka Slim Coder a Software Engineer and have worked with the latest technologies having great professional experience in the field of Software Development and Programming.

My expertise includes:
✔ Back-End using NodeJS and Go.
✔ SQL and NoSQL databases.
✔ REST APIs using Express, Fastify, Koa, Gin.
✔ Microservices based Applications.
✔ Front-end responsive web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript (PWA), Material-UI, Bootstrap, React, Redux, and Angular.
✔ Docker for containerized applications.
✔ Deployment of the highest scalable application that can be run on any cloud service provides including (Amazon AWS, Heroku, etc).
✔ Mobile Application using React Native framework.
✔ Message broker with RabbitMQ and SQS, SNS within Microservices architecture.
✔ Unit/Integration/API/E2E Testing with Jest, Supertest, Chai, Mocha, Cypress.io.

I am also an open-source developer, community enthusiast, love to helps developer communities and students, love to speak in events/webinars, love to give back to the community by recording courses, and uploading those courses for free.

My community/volunteer works helped by:
✔ Contributing to Freecodecamp, Node js foundation, js.org, and a lot of open source developers around the globe.
✔ Contributing to Local communities of Google, Microsoft, Github, etc as Speaker.
✔ Uploading videos/courses/webinars on YouTube.
✔ Writing codes for Startups and Companies to build real-time projects.
✔ Publish on Medium also helped the developer community on dev.to.
✔ Solving the developer’s issues on Stackoverflow.

My achievements/certifications include:
✔ Community Manager of Mentors without Borders.
✔ Community Lead of Golang Pakistan.
✔ Three Medium publishers namely, Be Yourself, Voice of Code, and Warp 9.
✔ Two Top 10 Github Organization in Pakistan.
✔ MERN Stack and MOS Word Certified.
✔ Member of AWS and Linux Pakistan.
✔ One Featured article on Medium.
✔ One Complete Video Course.

⭐ Slim Coder is a character that is inspired by Eminem (Slim Shady).

😍 Plateforms:

1) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/slimcoder
2) Medium: https://medium.com/@slimcoder
3) Dev.to: https://dev.to/slimcoder
4) StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/11727445/slim-coder
5) GitHub: https://github.com/slimcoders
6) Blog: https://slimcoder.wordpress.com
7) FB Page: https://m.facebook.com/slimcoder

Don’t forget to contact me at my email address: slimcoder@yandex.com



by Slim Coder

linux foundation

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