Computer NetworksNETWORKS

10. CISCO CML STP(Spanning Tree Protocol) PVST Wireshark MAC address refresh with Topology Change

58:16 SW1 G0/0
0f:d5 SW1 G0/1
6b:58 SW2 G0/0
e4:74 SW2 G0/1
83:3f SW3 G0/1
f2:8e SW4 G0/1

Root switch is broadcasting its BPDU to all interface
STP 802.1D destination 01:80:c2:00:00:00
PVST(CDP,VDP) destination 01:00:0C:CC:CC:CD(01:80:C2:00:00:00)

1. When SW4 Gi0/0 has down, SW4 broadcast Topology changes to alternative port(to SW3)
2. When SW3 Gi0/1 has received TC(topology change), it forwards to SW1
3. When SW1 received, it announce TC Acknowledgment. and broadcasting to all for 15 packets for 30 secs(listing and learning)
4. When SW4 port status is forward, TCA accounces to SW3
5. again 2
6. When SW1 received, it announce TC Acknowledgment. and broadcasting to all for 18 packets

50 5254.0001.63e7 DYNAMIC Gi0/0 sw2 interface
50 5254.0001.8032 DYNAMIC Gi0/0 vlan50 sw2
50 5254.000b.8032 DYNAMIC Gi0/0 vlan50 sw4
50 5254.001c.6b58 DYNAMIC Gi0/1 sw3 interface
50 5254.001c.8032 DYNAMIC Gi0/1 vlan50 sw3

When SW get TCA from root, they refresh their mac address table
but, MAC address from neighbor still exist.


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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