10 Must Have Linux Apps You Should Use

If you’re new to Linux and are looking for some useful apps to install for your Linux distro, here are the 10 must have Linux apps that you should install on your system. You can install these from their repositories, or on distros like Ubuntu, you can use the Software Center or the apt-get command on the Terminal to install them for free.

We are demonstrating this video on a Linux system running Ubuntu 16.10.

App Links:

1. GParted (Free): http://gparted.org/download.php
2. Pinta (Free): https://pinta-project.com/pintaproject/pinta/releases
3. QOwnNotes (Free): http://www.qownnotes.org/
4. KeePassX (Free): https://www.keepassx.org/
5. Redshift (Free): http://jonls.dk/redshift/
6. VirtualBox (Free): https://www.virtualbox.org/
7. Conky (Free): https://github.com/brndnmtthws/conky/wiki/Configuration-Settings
8. PDF Chain (Free): http://pdfchain.sourceforge.net/
9. QWinFF (Free): http://qwinff.github.io/
10. Audacity (Free): http://www.audacityteam.org/

Music: Golden Horn by Joakin Karud

MP3, WAV icons by Honza Dousek

Sun and Moon Images by Yun Liu

Image by Dark Design edited licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Unported

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