10 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

10 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

1. Update the System
2. Install another software manager
3. Explore GNOME 46
4. Get AppImage support
5. Install media codecs
6. Install Needed Drivers
7. Experiment with the dock
8. Get GNOME Tweaks tool for additional customization
9. Install essential applications
10. Prepare Backup

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4 thoughts on “10 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

  • I don't get why Ubuntu don't switch to a complet (real) desktop environment like KDE where you don't have to install "extension" to have an usable OS. Today I would recomend to install Linux Mint for Debian based or to switch on Fedora KDE spin.
    For me Gnome don't simplify anything it make just the thing less usefull.

  • I just installed ubuntu studio 24, and I have yet to be able to open discover. Every time I open it either through GUI or command line it crashes before opening. Every time.

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