10 Tips for Hardening your Linux Servers
For the first episode in my Enterprise Linux Security series, I go over 10 tips for hardening your Linux servers. This video includes some important suggestions to take into consideration for your infrastructure, that will serve as a foundation for future episodes. As the series continues, we’ll explore more concepts in-depth.
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# Recommended evergreen videos:
💽 How to create a bootable flash drive for installing Linux
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/flash-usb
🐧 OpenSSH Guide
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/ssh-guide
📖 LVM Deep-dive:
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/lvm-tutorial
🔐 How to better secure OpenSSH:
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/secure-ssh
☁️ How to create a cloud Linux server with Linode:
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/create-linode
🐧 Which distro do I use?
➡️ https://learnlinux.link/mydistro
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by LearnLinuxTV
linux foundation