11 6 S11 Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands Hardiksir GiTi

11 6 S11 Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands Hardiksir GiTi

6.5 General purpose Basic Linux Command.
Command list ( bc | echo | passwd | clear )
6.6 Getting help.
Linux command ( help | man | whatis | apropos )
6.7 Working with Directory Folder.
Command list ( pwd | mkdir | cd | cd | rmdir etc )
6.8 Naming Convention in Linux working with files.
Command list( cat | cat| rm | ls et)
Commend of renames file view file sorting method.
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S1)* https://youtu.be/0buMmdF3z8o
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S2)* https://youtu.be/DJW-vcg3PYE
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S3)* https://youtu.be/DftPLg4Cs3M
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S4)* https://youtu.be/Ytze1sdlAhU
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S5)* https://youtu.be/myIZa9oto3Y
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S6)* https://youtu.be/WNdyk4RhacA
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S7)* https://youtu.be/OzY0OVVv17E
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S8)* https://youtu.be/pv8FKeCbQ2U
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S9)* https://youtu.be/sYixK746X_s
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S10)* https://youtu.be/7kb4r6IfPPE
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S11)* https://youtu.be/PP0liKP89HU
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S12)*
*Chap No. :- 6. Basic Ubuntu Linux Command**Chapter Name: (S13)*

*Chap No. :- 5. Using Pictures in Synfig **Chapter Name: (S1)*https://youtu.be/dXMG3I7RRM4
*Chap No. :- 5. Using Pictures in Synfig **Chapter Name: (S2)*https://youtu.be/MFm1T2zz0Xg
*Chap No. :- 5. Using Pictures in Synfig **Chapter Name: (S3)*https://youtu.be/qCtjE04DtCE
*Chap No. :- 5. Using Pictures in Synfig **Chapter Name: (S4)* https://youtu.be/JprsMlRMSXs
*Chap No. :- 5. Using Pictures in Synfig **Chapter Name: (S5)* https://youtu.be/yWYoZqTDB-s
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*Chap No. :- 4. Introduction to Layer **Chapter Name: (S1)*https://youtu.be/q6EccXUG00w
*Chap No. :- 4. Introduction to Layer **Chapter Name: (S2)*https://youtu.be/YAWD0yUa89s

*Chap No. :- 4. Introduction to Layer **Chapter Name:(S3)*https://youtu.be/8FLEybYB1zE



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