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12 INCREDIBLE things your iPhone can do RIGHT NOW!

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In this video, I discuss 12 AMAZING things that your iPhone can do right now!

The original shortcuts video

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0:00 – Intro
0:24 – Tell you what you’re looking at
1:45 – Automatically design your Home Screen
2:52 – Automatically transcribe your messages
5:00 – Wirelessly scan docs to your Mac
6:12 – Pay for things using your face
7:26 – Make FaceTime calls on your TV
9:18 – View things in your home
10:52 – Measure things
12:15 – Automate pretty much anything
15:23 – Search photos based on their content
16:11 – Pull text from a photo
17:36 – Check in automatically


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

38 thoughts on “12 INCREDIBLE things your iPhone can do RIGHT NOW!

  • Fantastic video man, I’ve learned so much from your video. Thank you so much

  • this all sounds great, I wonder how many people know that by using these apps, you are sending ALL of this data to Apple.
    Apple knows far more about you than you do.

  • Always a couple of cheeky bits even this nerd didn't know 👍🏻🤓

  • Congratulations on the additions to your family 🎉.

    As always, your content is clear, concise and up to date. I actually enjoy opening your videos because I know I’ll learn something new and useful. Thank you and keep up the great work 👌🏼.

  • I love your videos very informative am good with tech but is always good to learn more! Welcome to the twin parent life buckle up my friend 😅😂🙌🏾

  • HEY Tom, I love your videos. They are incredibly informative and interesting, I know it sounds silly but it's the highlight of my Friday. I don't understand what Apple is doing and I agree with your frustration with their updates or lack of ingenuity. As an aside, I was wondering what you think about headphones. I have been a huge fan of Apple AirPods however they never seem to be loud enough for me. Even with the noise cancellation on they are not loud enough. Any suggestions as to which headphones would provide me with a louder sound? I really do not want over the ear headphones. thanks Dan

  • Why does YouTube periodically go through and delete everybody’s subscribed channels? Suggestion for another video on adding HomePods to an Apple TV and how do you update them after you have I have patches of hair missing from pulling it out!! 😂

  • No overly loud music, well narrated and informative. 10/10 Sir. 🔥

  • There’s no detection mode on the magnifying app on my 15 pro and it’s up to date. It doesn’t have the options you talk about 0:53

  • The feature that still makes me feel like a little miracle is copying on one device and pasting on a different device. Gives me a little thrill every time (I don’t get out much). But idnk about Magnifier and wow that’s going to get a lot of use from now on. TY and huge congratulations to you and your wife.

  • It’s amazing to see LiDAR in a phone used for accessibility. Hopefully they can add this or a simplified accessibility focused version to all of their devices going forward

  • Thanks Tom I’m Disabled I consider myself pretty tech savvy & I always get asked how to change settings on various phones all my tech equipment is Apple get confused on settings sometimes.
    I have a iPhone 12 Pro Max but get very confused with the settings in general as there are so many eg mobile service, what are haptics & Picture in Picture please.
    Thanks look forward to next video

  • Congratulations on the birth of your babies! They’re so cute! I really like your channel. It’s so useful thank you!

  • In View Things (VR), is there a way to reposition the object? In Measure Things, is there a way to adjust measurement points? They don’t always land correctly.

  • One more thing about the Measure app, you can use it to measure the height of a human

  • Great Channel and I appreciate all the knowledge and help that you provide. Having just tried 'Magnifier" all is good except for the speech describing the text I'm viewing on the camera.The speech is incredibly fast and almost impossible to hear clearly… Any ideas how to resolve this issue on what is otherwise a useful App? Thanks and congratulations to both of you!

  • Hi Tom, it is good one. Let me ask. I use Automation for leaving home and turn off Wifi, and when I get back home Wifi on. Based on GPS home location. It used to work perfectly but last few weeks I see Wifi still on after I am off the circle. It doesn't work now as it worked before. Any idea what the issue is? Thanks for help.

  • First off, congratulations. Also, can your iPhone tell which of your twins is which?

  • I tried the finger pointing but its speaking at about 3x speed making it gibberish

  • thanks for another excellent video ! I had trouble using iphone 15pro in continuity mode from an email – for scanning etc (MacBook Pro/Sonoma). I see the commands you reference in the drop down but they’re all greyed out, except for photos. I think I have the settings correct since continuity camera works with Facetime. Do you have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong ?

  • Congratulations on your adventure in being a dad! Your babies are blessed to have you!

  • Congrats to you and your wife on your cute twins.

  • Congrats 🎉 to both of you in bringing double trouble 😉🤭(twins) into your lives. Treasure and enjoy every moment bro.

    Wow another great video explainer. They are detailed and thorough and blows me away that i continue to learn new things on my iPhone 👌🙏🏻 Keep up the great work

  • Detection mode in the Magnifier is not turned on by default. Go into settings and from the ‘Other Control’ tap the + icon on the right to add it to your menu. It only works with English text.

  • Great video thanks for the the tips I've been using they've check in loads and I find it amazing tool

  • Thank you very much for your informative videos. Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your twins.

  • Thnx for the good work and information. Keep up the good work. And congrats on the twins 👊🏼👊🏼

  • Another absolutely fantastic video. More of these videos PLEASE

  • One thing I discovered the shortcut app can do.. every time when I'm at my girlfriend house, and my phone received any notification, she always like oh.. what's that.. who's that.
    So I set up the shortcut app to whenever my phone got on her WiFi, it jumps to 'do not disturb' mode.
    I don't need to think about my phone beeping every time and she keep asking questions😅.
    And it turn off once my phone leave the WiFi. Haha. Thank me later boys..

  • Love ❤️ your work bro your channel is my FAVORITE 🙏⚡️👊❤️

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