14-07-2021 11:00 AM Workshop on Classroom Engagement for Young Warrior Movement for teachers of CBSE
Workshop for teachers of CBSE affiliated schools on Classroom Engagement for Young Warrior Movement 14-07-2021, CBSE, UNICEF, YuWaah, students aware of right protocols, information to ensure Covid Appropriate Behaviours, dispel vaccine hesitancy, mental health, expressive activities of poetry, theatre, and other art forms, students will inspire positive change and action in their communities, Teachers Workshop
On engaging students through artwork to express and secure themselves, their families, and their communities against COVID -19, cbse academic, cbse skill education & training, free for all, teachers training by cbse, skill education,
YouTube link for participation the workshop: https://youtu.be/gEYaO0rtxGc
Registration Link : https://forms.gle/LFim3o6kqrYvvGNA7
cisco academie