16. Solarwinds IPAM SQL Alert – New IP Address Registered in SNMP Neighbor
The Initial status is available
When clients are detected by SNMP Neighbor, the status get into Used
Severity of alert
I want to alert on
Custom SQL alert (Advanced)
SELECT IPAM_NodeReportView.IPAddress, IPAM_NodeReportView.IPNodeId FROM IPAM_NodeReportView
where ipaddress
in (select his.ipaddress
from IPAM_IPHistoryReport his
where (fromvalue=’available’ and intovalue=’used’ and source=’neighbor scan’)
and time (angled bracket)= dateadd(hour, -80, getdate()))
Reset Condition
When the trigger condition is no longer true
IP ${N=SwisEntity;M=IPAddress} MAC ${N=SwisEntity;M=IPHistoryToNode.IPNode.MAC} are newly registered at ${N=Generic;M=DateTime;F=DateTime}
ip address