17-year TEDx Speaker | World-renowned AI Expert | IBM Champion for Cloud

Tanmay Bakshi is a 17-year-old Canadian author, AI and ML Systems Architect, TED & Keynote speaker, Google Developer Expert for Machine Learning, and IBM Champion for Cloud. He has addressed over 200,000 executives, developers, and audiences worldwide at conferences, universities & schools, financial institutions, and international companies. The United Nations, NASSCOM, Linux Foundation, Apple, SAP, IBM, KPMG, Microsoft and Walmart are a few of the organizations he has keynoted for.

Tanmay is a media personality, having been featured in the Toronto Star, on the front page of The Vancouver Sun, pictured on stage doing what he loves to do – sharing his knowledge with the world, in Forbes and CNBC, as well as in Bloomberg Businessweek as a Young Entrepreneur, in The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, just to name a few.

Tanmay is the recipient of the Life Mentor Award by the Hon. Lt. Governor of Manitoba, Twilio Doer Award, Knowledge Ambassador Award, and Global Goodwill Ambassador at LinkedIn.

He has developed machine learning-powered systems, such as “Heart ID”, a deep neural network based Electrocardiogram-based identification system, which won HPCWire’s Readers’ Choice Award for Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence. He’s also worked on lower-level software, like an ultra-low-latency call tracer utility that can scale to trillions of function calls, and is powered by LLVM, for the IBM Db2 codebase.


by slidenerd

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