20 Open Source Programs & Paid Virtual Internships You Can Apply to!! (with Tips) 💯

💬 Reach out to me if you have any questions: https://twitter.com/kush_kunal

Don’t have enough experience for an internship? Want to build your resume while also learning new skills, work on real-world projects, and collaborate with industry professionals? Check out these amazing Open Source Programs & Paid Virtual Internships that you can apply to! 🚀
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00:00 Why Open Source?
01:20 Truth about Internships
04:30 Google Summer of Code (GSoC)
07:00 MLH Fellowship
10:07 Open Source Track Explorer
11:15 Educational Externship Track
11:43 Google Season of Docs
12:40 Outreachy
14:03 Season of KDE
15:10 Linux Foundation (LFN) Mentorship Program
16:44 Community Bridge Mentorship Program (CNCF)
18:04 Open Mainframe Project
19:23 Hacktober Fest by Digital Ocean
20:29 Foss Asia Codeheat
21:30 Linux Kernel Mentorship Program
23:45 Redox Summer of Code
24:10 Hyperledger Mentorship Program
25:31 Foss Asia Internship Program
26:10 Open Summer of Code (OSoC) for Students
26:50 Alibaba Summer of Code
27:34 Free Software Foundation (FSF) Internship Program
28:34 Google Summer of Earth Engine (SoEE)
29:07 The Processing Foundation Fellowships
29:58 Best practices to get selected in Open Source Programs
Bonus: For AI/ML – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/rl-open-source-fest/

GSoC & Outreachy Guide: https://youtu.be/BI_tudfBxJI
QnA with Swift (CEO @MLH): https://youtu.be/4sOn2HmVBlM

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Meetup Group for Events: https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-Cause-Online-Edition/
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Request a workshop: https://codecau.se/ws
Python Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRbweU7sFSg&list=PLyzHIYrZBplpsEWFm1Ly3GSY9YAyuCU09
Complete ML playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzHIYrZBplo3K0dNUqppd2ynnoZPD6N1
Complete DS-Algo playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzHIYrZBplpsh_PQimtVosH72wSVOpy2
Competitive Programming Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzHIYrZBplqwJtEBhwTOuB5b3wUUeLpP
Ask the Experts Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzHIYrZBplqNpKF6R3Y7JUM-iBEGbj0t

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