2017 OpenStack User Survey Overview

OpenStack’s ninth User Survey represents a snapshot of more than 1,400 completed surveys and nearly 600 deployments logged in the first two months of 2017— the largest sample of OpenStack deployments ever.

We believe results are representative of our community as a whole, revealing users’ attitudes, technology choices, and uses of OpenStack software. All OpenStack Foundation members, more than 70,000 people across 160 countries, were invited to fill out the survey.

Key findings:
MORE CLOUDS: OpenStack’s growth is demonstrated by rapid development of new clouds, with 44% more deployments reported on this survey. The average age of a deployment is less than 1.7 years.

LARGER CLOUDS: 37% of clouds have 1,000 or more cores, up from 29% last year, and 16% of clouds are running more than 1 petabyte of object storage, up from 4% one year ago.

DIVERSE USERS: Users of every organizational size and industry find value in OpenStack, 32% have 10,000 employees or more, while 25% have fewer than 100 employees, and users hail from 78 countries.

MATURE TECHNOLOGY: OpenStack’s maturity is demonstrated by two-thirds of deployments in production and 89% or greater adoption of key infrastructure services (Nova, Neutron, Keystone, Cinder and Glance).

DEEP ADOPTION: The median user runs 61–80% of their overall cloud infrastructure on OpenStack, while the typical large user (deployment with 1,000+ cores) reports running 81–100% of their total infrastructure on OpenStack.


by Open Infrastructure Foundation


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