Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

2019 – Running QGIS Server in production

QGIS Server has become a serious competitor in the realm of map engines for the web. Maps served by
QGIS Server are designed in QGIS Desktop, and rendered by QGIS Server with the same rendering engine as QGIS Desktop. This makes it possible to leverage QGIS advanced styling capabilities, which, in itself, is a major advantage over its competitors.

The QGIS community is serious at making QGIS Server production-grade. QGIS Server is now certified by the OGC, and CI processes have been set up for continuously assessing its OGC compliancy and performance.

In production context an important aspect is the way QGIS Server is executed. There are many ways to execute QGIS Server. QGIS Server may be controlled by the Apache HTTP Server, or it may be run as an independent process in front of the NGINX HTTP Server. Some people use Docker, while others rely on more traditional systems. The way QGIS Server is executed and configured can have a major impact on the performance and robustness.

After a quick introduction to QGIS Server this talk dives into the various ways of executing QGIS Server in production, discussing the pros and cons of each method. The talk is targetted to any person considering running QGIS Server in production.


Eric Lemoine



linux http server

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