2020 or 1984? Can Bitcoin Save Us?

Can Bitcoin save you from a “1984” future?

George Orwell asks, “Are we headed for a 1984 future? Or maybe more of a Brave New World future? And can Bitcoin save you?” Yes! But probably in a different way than you might suspect. Bitcoin has the ability to break the monopoly control of money and open blockchain technology can change how trust works.

0:00 [Question from George Orwell] When I was alive, I wrote a book called ‘1984. It seems some of you ‘lifees’ are using it as an instruction manual. Can bitcoin save you?
0:45 2 seminal books that I think anybody interested in the current political climate should read
1:13 1984 by George Orwell
1:58 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
2:41 Between Orwell and Huxley we see what has emerged today is really kind of the perfect mix of the two
3:16 Can bitcoin save us? I hope so but maybe in an unexpected way.

This question is from the Patreon Open Topic Q&A livestream, which took place on September 26th, 2020. If you want early-access to talks and a chance to ask questions in the monthly live Q&As with Andreas, become a Community Builder on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aantonop In these monthly Open Topic Livestream events, Andreas answers questions about bitcoin, ethereum, the lightning network, and general questions about open blockchains.

Related Videos:
Money as a System-of-Control – https://youtu.be/FyK4P7ZdOK8
Worse than Useless: Financial Surveillance – https://youtu.be/n4F-h4xuXMk

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About aantonop: Andreas isn’t promoting a company or an organization; he’s paid by the community (people who support this work on Patreon and YouTube) and provides an unbiased look at open blockchain technologies, what they can do for our societies, and how to get involved (if you decide you want to). Learn more at https://aantonop.com

From Andreas: You may already know that my mission is to educate as many people as possible about #Bitcoin and open blockchain technologies. Watching these videos and sharing them with others is a big part of that. Thank you for being part of this mission.

***Learn More From Andreas’ Workshops, Books & Events**
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Audible: https://www.audible.com/author/Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/B00MVAG8Z8
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Music: “Unbounded” by Orfan (https://twitter.com/grassfedbitcoin)

Thanks for watching!


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