2021 Annual Meeting | Session: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Through Soil Health
There are many practices to improve soil health increase carbon storage in soils and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A special session on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through Soil Health” was held at the Soil Health Institute’s virtual Annual Meeting to address these opportunities at global, continental, national, regional, and local scales.
Highlights included presentations by:
Mr. Marc Bernard of “4 per 1000” who shared more about this multi-national initiative
Dr. James Wallace described the dairy industry’s work to achieve net zero emissions
Dr. Rodrigo Nicoloso of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) addressed how management impacts carbon sequestration in both surface soils and at depth
Dr. Daniel Liptzin, Soil Health Institute shared findings on how management practices influence different forms of soil carbon across North America.
Dr. Jason Ackerson, Soil Health Institute on Mapping Simulated Soil C Sequestration Potential at a Regional Scale
by Soil Health Institute
simple network management protocol