[2021] Easy Method – Deploy a Windows Server 2019 Disk Image on a Contabo RDP VPS & Access with IPad
Deploy a Server 2019 Standard – Evaluation Edition Disk Image and connect to it via RDP using a Computer, an iPad and an iPhone. Also rearm the 180 day evolution period up to 6 times.
Contabo Link : https://cloudtechlinks.com/V09-Contabo-Link
Time Stamps:
00:00 The Video Purpose
01:51 Background
03:57 The Purchase Process
06:57 A Look round the Control Panel
10:09 Starting the Rescue System
10:53 The VNC Viewer
12.12 Applying the disk image
13:56 Connecting via RDP
15:05 Server Configuration
16:40 Reset the Evaluation Period
17:44 Access Server with a Tablet
20:23 The Making of this Video
Ubuntu 20.04 on Order Form
Start in Rescue mode, Debian 10 live.
then key (as cut & paste doesnt work)
wget -O- https://cloudtechlinks.com/V09-Contabo-Server-2019-Image | xz -d -c | sudo dd of=/dev/sda
Boot from HardDisk:
Connect via RDP to [IP ADDRESS]:19529
Username: Administrator
Password: ChangeMeASAP1
To do on Contabo VPS once deployed :
A. Device Driver — PROVE all devices have been recognised
B. Task Manager — PROVE can see all CPUs and RAM
B. Disk Management — Expand C: Drive, Remove Drive Letter D:
C. Change password to something complex, long and NOT found
in a Dictionary. e.g. f4R9d2F8m5G9q8B7a1
In a few months :
To identify how many evauation rearms are left.
Run Command : slmgr.vbs /dlv
To rearm the evaluation period.
Run Command : slmgr.vbs /rearm
1) Create an Droplet on DigitalOcean called VM-PREPARATION with a root of pw=demoX99X
Use O/S Ubuntu 20.04 (with at minimum 4GB of RAM)
2) Using the DigitalOcean Console, logon as root and:
Run the 4 commands:
a) apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
b) apt-get install xfce4 firefox xrdp gzip
c) apt-get install qemu qemu-utils qemu-system-x86-xen -y
d) echo xfce4-session [GREATER THAN SIGN]~/.xsession
3) Now Connect via RDP from the Local Machine
4) In a Desktop web browser (firefox), get the Windows Server 2019 and latest stable Virtio Driver ISO
5) Open the Desktop terminal:, and run Commands :
a) qemu-img create -f raw harddisk.raw 22G
b) qemu-system-x86_64 -m 3000M -cpu host -enable-kvm -boot order=d -drive file=/root/Downloads/17763.737.190906-2324.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVER_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us_1.iso,media=cdrom -drive file=harddisk.raw,format=raw,if=virtio -drive file=/root/Downloads/virtio-win-0.1.185.iso,media=cdrom
6) Full Install – US – Language, Time & Currency, Keyboard
Standard Edition (Desktop Experience)
Install Virtio Driver for :
a) Balloon – The VirtIO RAM Sharing Driver
b) NetKVM – The Virtio Network Card (netkvm)
c) VioSCSI – The Virtio Storage Contoller
d) Viostor – The Virtio Storage Driver (needed to allow this QEMU based installation to proceed)
1 GB unpartioned space at start of disk as that seems to make widows put the O/S partition at the end of the disk. Allowing the disk to be expanded when on a VPS.
7) Username: Administrator
Password: ChangeMeASAP1
8) Enable Remote Desktop
9) Change RDP Port from 3389 to 19529
Start the registry editor. …
In REGEDIT Navigate to the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp.
Find PortNumber.
Click Edit, Modify, and then click Decimal.
Type the new port number, and then click OK.
10. In [Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security] Add New [inbound rule]
to Allow TCP Port 19529 thru Domain, Private & Public Profiles called “Rule 19529 for RDP”
11. Shutdown VM
12. Run Command :
dd if=harddisk.raw status=progress | xz -9 | dd of=harddisk-server-2019-eval-aug2021-maximum-compression.xz
NOTE : Wait until finished (about 45-60 minutes)
Copy to a Web Server (e.g. Dropbox, ufw disable then use filezilla to copy to server)
windows server