Computer NetworksNETWORKS

4/29/24: Secure in-place drill / InformaCast Demo with Cisco 8845 and AND IPSWD-FM

0:00 Secure In-Place Message on Cisco 8845
1:04 Secure In-Place Message on Advanced Network Devices IPSWD-FM
2:33 All clear message on Cisco 8845

This is a secure in place drill which is a modified lockdown where you still shut blinds and lock doors but continue things inside. It is slightly different from hold in place which does not require lights to be turned off.

My school district uses Singlewire InformaCast fusion as a mass notification system. It allows an emergency message to be sent via IP speakers and IP phones, as well as computers and mobile devices. InformaCast directly integrates with Cisco CUCM and Advanced Network Devices. My district only sends message to IP speakers and IP phones. The message was triggered today for a secure in place Informacast messages can be activated manually from a web interface, directly from a phone, tripped from a devices contact closure input such as on the back of some AND devices or with special modules, it can even be connected to IPAWS/CAP which allows messages such as tornado warnings from the national weather service to trigger the message.

Also I believe these messages are custom by my district but IDK.


cisco academie

3 thoughts on “4/29/24: Secure in-place drill / InformaCast Demo with Cisco 8845 and AND IPSWD-FM

  • Can you please post more videos like this using the system. I really like hearing it and seeing it

  • My school has a very similar system, its cool to see in action

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