44. Getting AI ROI, Broadcom's Game Plan & IT Infra Futures

On this week’s edition of theCUBE Pod, John Furrier & Dave Vellante talk about enterprises’ possibility of gaining a return on AI investments, and Broadcom’s 2024 game plan amidst its VMware assimilation.

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Deceptive AIs, Busy Trustbusters and Apple’s Pricey Big Bet

To their credit, artificial intelligence companies and researchers are looking more deeply at the unintended consequences of generative AI.

This week, Anthropic showed how AI can be taught to deceive, though it didn’t offer a solution to that alarming possibility. OpenAI did announce tools to reduce the potential for AI to produce election-influencing misinformation, though it’s not clear why they will be any more successful than Meta Platforms efforts to rein in the problems with social media.

At the same time, investors continue to pour more money into the market and companies keep pushing ahead — including toward the Holy Grail of artificial general intelligence — as OpenAI and Meta and others aim to get to human-level AI, for better or worse.

Meantime, the tech industry as a whole seems to be in a holding pattern, as some companies such as Google continue to lay off workers in the face of what they view as macroeconomic uncertainty. But by most accounts, the economy is surprisingly steady and even improving on metrics such as inflation and, of course, the stock market, and new consumer confidence numbers back up the better vibes. Gartner even anticipates surprisingly strong growth this year, though as theCUBE Research analyst Dave Vellante will note in his weekly Breaking Analysis this weekend, a cautious outlook remains before sentiment improves for the second half of the year.

Antitrust continues to be a trend into the new year, as Apple ran into a buzzsaw over its Watch and Amazon’s acquisition of iRobot looks all but dead.

But Apple is moving on, and today you can finally pre-order its Vision Pro “spatial computing” headset if you have a few thousand bucks to spare.

This and other news is discussed in this week’s episode of theCUBE Pod.

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by SiliconANGLE theCUBE


One thought on “44. Getting AI ROI, Broadcom's Game Plan & IT Infra Futures

  • Love the candid analysis/discussion around all things B2B tech happened this week! Keep up the great work!

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