4G LTE Raspberry PI Internet Drone. RC UAV plane using GamePad (4G Area)
Cellular drone flight. 4G LTE Telemetry, Gamepad, Raspberry Pi, gStreamer (4G Area) using cellular network. Video and telemetry.
We are flying using gamepad controller connected to ground control station (laptop) and from there the signal is sent out to the aircraft via cell network.
With this setup, you can fly on unlimited distance as long as the UAV / Drone has cell coverage. Visit our forum section for more info, http://uavmatrix.com
Quick links:
Fly using Gamepad 0:42
Fly using Gamepad 2:19
GPS tracker 2:55
Raspberry Pi V2
PiCam 960×720 resolution
huawei 3276 4G ( Used in aircraft and connected to RPI )
huawei E5372T 4G for my Ground Control Station.
Logitech Gamepad F710
Mission Planner
Individuals flying for hobby or recreation are strongly encouraged to follow safety guidelines, which include:
Fly below 400 feet and remain clear of surrounding obstacles
Keep the aircraft within visual line of sight at all times
Remain well clear of and do not interfere with manned aircraft operations
Don’t fly within 5 miles of an airport unless you contact the airport and control tower before flying
Don’t fly near people or stadiums
Don’t fly an aircraft that weighs more than 55 lbs
Don’t be careless or reckless with your unmanned aircraft – you could be fined for endangering people or other aircraft
Get connected with our community:
Discord Chat — https://discord.gg/xwqMTXh
Forum — https://discuss.uavmatrix.com
4g lte