(4K) HelloIOTA Roundup #011 FIWARE, Alvarium, Dell, Linux, Intel, Munich Meetup, PeerOS, Hub #IOTA

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HelloIOTA Roundup #011

00:32 FIWARE partnership (https://blog.iota.org/towards-open-collaboration-fiware-and-iota-join-forces-for-a-smart-digital-future-402b93225ee)

04:02 Project Alvarium (Dell + Linux Foudnation, https://blog.iota.org/iota-dell-technologies-and-the-linux-foundation-team-up-for-data-confidence-fabrics-985cb3515364)

12:02 IOTA referenced in Intel’s patent application

15:08 IOTA and China

16:29 PeerOS (www.peeros.de): https://helloiota.com/iota-community-project-peeros/

19:33 IOTA Munich Meetup review

21:43 IOTA Hub update



by Hello IOTA

linux foundation

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