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5. Installation and Configuration of Windows 2022, DC, DNS DHCP Server on VMware Workstation Pro 17

Step by Step Installation and Configuration of Windows 2022 Domain Controller DNS and DHCP Server on VMware Workstation Pro 17 Environment
Updating vCenter Server Appliance failed because my Windows 2019, Domain Controller’s license, has expired. In this video, I will attempt to replace it with Windows 2022 without removing it from the network by creating and adding another Domain Controller to the existing network so that containers, objects and others from the expired Domain Controller gets replicated to the new server therefore I don’t have to recreate them. Once replicated we will demote the expired Server, remove it from the domain and delete it. I thought it was a good idea but I can tell you in advanced that I was not able to do so.


by Efren Plaza

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.