5 Things To Do Right After Installing Linux
One of the most common questions new-to-Linux users ask is, “What things should I do right after installing Linux?” Well…here are five things that I do after I install a Linux distro.
0:00 Intro
0:28 Update the system.
1:40 Install proprietary drivers, codecs and fonts if your distro does not ship them.
5:19 Disable startup applications
7:16 Install snapd and flatpak
9:09 Add/remove softare
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linux web server
Linux is so good now, Honestly its much better than Windows. I just hopped on Windows 11 to try and install a program, and suddenly remembered windows is just spammy and nasty to use. Your looking at all these download buttons wondering which one is the actual program, trying not to get tricked. Linux, you type sudo install steam for example and you have the correct version no risk to your system, I don't have to battle the system and use the power shell to stop an unwanted web browser or xbox game service from running. I love it, and I have it looking just like windows xp just for fun, I have Liquid windows that slide around like some gel when I move them lol its just too cool
To list debian packages, you need to change filter, you had only snap packages listed 🙂
Other than that, it's great video! 🙂
Mandatory "I use Linux BTW" post on every social media and groups
wow no wallpaper review…
you talk to fast. is there a site for old to to understand changing from windows to linux and have to add mint? I have some computer, but this is way above my head. 🤯🤯
Install Zorin OS and call it a day.
If the distro comes with software you don't want, remove it completely prior torunning updates, it will shorten the time it takes to run updates and it's no use updating stuff you don't want.
During the font install how did you get from the EULA window ending with <OK> to the <YES> <NO> window????
thirst thing after install linux … wipe that damn Redmond-thing from your machine … muahahahaha ;-))
Linux is the only time i wish i had an AMD card.. Its just so hard to get Nvidia driver installed. KI still havent managed to get CUDA or OPTIX installed.
حيو ابو تيلور
I would also add harden the system, and for me I also copy all my user specific dotfiles
Telling a newbie to use Terminal is going to push them back to Windoze.
Crazy how useful this guide is for beginners in Linux like me. Thank you so much!
immediately after install remove ubuntu
First thing to do after installing Linux
Deleting windows
Great video. Good ideas
1. Invite some hot chicks over. "Hey babycakes, I just got linux up and running."
Yeah, stable Ubuntu LTS and 4 months later broken snapstore😂😂
5 things before install Linux:
1. Uninstall Windows.
2. Format disk.
3. Format disk.
4. Format disk.
5. Format disk.
Now you can install Linux.
If you suspect the disk still have residues of Windows, burn the disk and buy another one, them install Linux.
My first priority is to get out of root and have a standard user interface.
Must say, your voice is very pleasant to listen, and best of all, really easy to understand for non-english speaker.
I do also all these 5 things, just remove snap instead of installing it.
#1 Get up and go make a coffee
I'm pretty sure the current version of the Ubuntu software center only updates snaps. If you want to update Deb packages too, you either need to use the command line or the Software Updater app (the updater app does both)